Manu minural stone
  • Manu minural stone

Manu minural stone

Manu mineral blocks contain the same nine minerals in the same concentration as the natural mineral deposit. Just like the wild birds, pet birds also require these nine minerals. That is why the association of avian veterinarians recommends mineral supplements for all pet birds.


Size small: 2.5" (6 cm).

Size medium: 4" (10 cm).

Size: Small
Product available with different options

 Lovebirds, budgies, parrotlets.
 Small conures, cockatiels.
 Quakers, Senegals, sun conure, jenday.
 Amazons, goffins, Pionus, African greys.
 Large Macaws and large cacatoos 

Based on 2 reviews - 0 1 2 3 4 5,00/5
0 1 2 3 4

My Senegal loves this! They were out of stock on the large size so I decided to still try a small for my macaw... One word "CRUNCH" But great product!!

0 1 2 3 4

I have one of these in each of my 4 cockatiels cages along with cuttlebone. They are particularly fond of the manu mineral blocks and I would recommend them for anyone that has a cockatiel.

 Lovebirds, budgies, parrotlets.
 Small conures, cockatiels.
 Quakers, Senegals, sun conure, jenday.
 Amazons, goffins, Pionus, African greys.
 Large Macaws and large cacatoos