Vine heart
  • Vine heart

Vine heart

Heart shaped vine twist for toy making or as chew toy.

Sold individually.
Dimensions: 2.75'' ( 7 cm) x 3'' (7.6 cm)

In Stock

The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 5.

 Lovebirds, budgies, parrotlets.
 Small conures, cockatiels.
 Quakers, Senegals, sun conure, jenday.
 Amazons, goffins, Pionus, African greys.
 Large Macaws and large cacatoos 

Based on 3 reviews - 0 1 2 3 4 5,00/5
0 1 2 3 4

What a great toy for my birds.
Jubee a green cheek conure and Kiwi my tiel are in love with these hearts
I have to re-order more so I can keep them happy

0 1 2 3 4

My cockatiels enjoy these wicker hearts. I attach them to the front of their toys with some paper shred behind them or I string them on rope. They all enjoy chewing them apart.

0 1 2 3 4

These are fun and "yummy" for larger birds. I purchased these to stick inside the clothes pins that are also sold at La Volière, making them look like flies or butterflies.

 Lovebirds, budgies, parrotlets.
 Small conures, cockatiels.
 Quakers, Senegals, sun conure, jenday.
 Amazons, goffins, Pionus, African greys.
 Large Macaws and large cacatoos