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Golden feast caribbean blend
  • Golden feast caribbean blend

Golden feast caribbean blend

The Caribbean is made up of more than 700 islands with a diverse ecosystem that include tropical rainforests, montane cloud forests, and scrublands. Caribbean Blend is inspired by these islands and has a bounty of over 25 premium ingredients including bananas, dates, mango, and black beans.

- No Artificial Colors, Flavors, or Preservatives
- Enriched with Protected Probiotics
- Natural, No Synthetic Vitamins Added
- No Peanuts or Sunflower Seeds

$34.16 Save 10%
Size: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
In Stock

 Lovebirds, budgies, parrotlets.
 Small conures, cockatiels.
 Quakers, Senegals, sun conure, jenday.
 Amazons, goffins, Pionus, African greys.
 Large Macaws and large cacatoos 

Based on 0 reviews - 0 1 2 3 4 0/5

 Lovebirds, budgies, parrotlets.
 Small conures, cockatiels.
 Quakers, Senegals, sun conure, jenday.
 Amazons, goffins, Pionus, African greys.
 Large Macaws and large cacatoos